Elizabeth Benney is a Developmental Therapist and Evaluator for the Illinois Early Intervention Program as well as an IAIM-certified Infant Massage Instructor. She was the founder of the Illinois Developmental Therapy Association and served as Chair of Professional Development for several years. Her practice specializations include certification in the Interactive Metronome program, Therapeutic Listening program (“Core/Listening with the Whole Body”), and Infant Massage Instruction. She has had extensive experience addressing atypical sensory integration and her practice specifically addresses sensorimotor stability and organization. She utilizes various modalities including DIR® model of Floor-time as well as ABA protocols to tailor her sessions to each individual child as appropriate.
Elizabeth earned her graduate degree from University of Chicago and collaborated with graduate schools to provide child development graduates and interns with supervised clinical experience and training. She opened the Learning through Play Center several years ago as a forum in which she and her staff could design a unique style of developmental playgroup, which utilizes structure in conjunction with various modes (art, music, movement) tailored specifically to help children organize, adapt, socialize, communicate, and learn effectively in group settings.
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