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Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy and why does my child need it?

An occupational therapist (OT) uses assessment tools and intervention strategies to develop, recover, or maintain an individual’s ability to perform meaningful activities. OTs work with people of all ages in many different ways.
Pediatric occupational therapy addresses important foundational skills in children that can impact the quality of their development and ability to acquire skills. For instance, an OT might work with helping children develop tools to calm and focus and be able to self-regulate. An OT will focus on supportive posture for sitting comfortably, supporting fine motor skills and a wider visual field. OT helps children in a classroom setting to learn better and thrive in
school by helping them develop skills such as handwriting, giving them tools to maintain attention, or provide strategies to teachers to manage behaviors.

For more information, please call us at 312-458-9865 or email us at

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